June 18 - 20

Performance of Everything that happened and would happen

Directed by Heiner Goebbels

IRCAM ManiFeste 2025 festival, Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris


March 8 & 9

Performance of Everything that happened and would happen

Directed by Heiner Goebbels

Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taiwan



Research phase Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Hanoi, Vietnam






Research phase Syros, Greece


August 24 & 25

Performance of Everything that happened and would happen

Directed by Heiner Goebbels

Salzburger Festspiele


June 7 - 9 

Performance of We hope this helps

Creation in collaboration with Vasiliki Bara & Jone San Martín



April & May

Creation phase new work We hope this helps

In collaboration with Vasiliki Bara & Jone San Martín

LOFFT - DAS THEATER & 4fT - Tanzplattform Leipzig


February 19 - March 10 

Residency Choreographisches Centrum/Unterwegs Theater Heidelberg

Creation phase new work We hope this helps

In collaboration with Vasiliki Bara & Jone San Martín


Image header: Walther Le Kon